Possible enumeration values:
Name | Value | Description |
None |
0 |
Does not exist. |
1 |
LOCKtoSEND standard (with signature). |
2 |
UPtoSEND standard (without signature). |
UPtoSEND_Signature |
3 |
UPtoSEND plus signature. |
Contract |
4 |
Talk model of a generic contract. |
5 |
Certify attachments in an email. |
LOCKtoSEND_NoNotif |
6 |
LOCKtoSEND without notification. |
UPtoSEND_NoNotif |
7 |
UPtoSEND without notification. |
SENDtoCERT_Acceptance |
8 |
SENDtoCERT with acceptance. |
SepaMandate |
9 |
SEPA Mandate. |
AccountCancellation |
10 |
Account cancellation. |
UPtoSEND_Signature_NoNotif |
11 |
UPtoSEND plus signature, without notification. |
LOCKtoSEND_MonthlyFee |
12 |
LOCKtoSEND for monthly fee users. |
13 |
SENDtoYOU without notification. |
14 |
Compliance |
15 |
Regulatory compliance. |
Compliance_Timestamp |
16 |
Regulatory compliance with timestamp. |
ReverseCharge |
17 |
Reverse charge communications. |
Gdpr |
18 |
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) communication. |
Contract_GeneralConditions |
19 |
Contract that contains a group of clauses. |
Contract_PinCodeSms |
20 |
Contract that must be acepted with a pin code sent via SMS. |
Contract_PinCodeEmail |
21 |
Contract that must be acepted with a pin code sent via email. |
Contract_AdvancedSignature |
22 |
Contract with advanced signature and pin code sent via SMS. |
Contract_MultiSignature |
23 |
Contract with multiple signatures. |
Contract_AuthorizationOnBehalf |
24 |
A contract to authorize someone to act on behalf of another. |
FileArchive |
25 |
File archive to external long-time storage. |
Compliance_TrackingMarkup |
26 |
Compliance with tracking markup. |
Burofax |
27 |
Burofax. |
ClaimCopy |
28 |
Claim copy. |
SENDtoYOU_TrackingMarkup_Web |
29 |
SENDtoYOU web with tracking mark. |
SENDtoYOU_TrackingMarkup |
30 |
SENDtoYOU with tracking mark. |
31 |
SENDtoCert web |
SENDtoCERT_Acceptance_Web |
32 |
SENDtoCERT web with acceptance |
BurofaxCertificate |
33 |
Burofax certificate. |